Why Now?
After years of seeing overpriced or under quality guitar accessories, I have FINALLY decided to create a brand of guitar accessory products around the Big Dog Guitar brand. This was not a decision I took lightly because this is a time consuming, expensive task that takes an extreme commitment. But in 2014 I reached that decision and began the process.
Why Me?
I have a lot of reasons why I am qualified to do this.
- I have been playing guitar for around 47 years give or take.
- I have played in numerous bands, all of which were famous in my own mind. 🙂
- I am trained as an electrical design engineer with experience in high volume manufacturing as well as importing from China.
- I LOVE guitar, home recording, and music in general.
So It Began

BDG-Capo1G Gold Guitar Capo
In late 2014 we introduced a professional quality gold capo. The BDG-Capo1G was followed by a 100 picks in 3 colors and thicknesses in a handy gift box. Now in early 2015 we are introducing a tungsten (black) capo. This, also is a pro grade capo that is a joy to use.
I have researched numerous manufacturers to get the quality and performance I wanted our brand to represent. As a previously performing musician I know about failures on stage…I mean equipment failures! Hehe…
Just a simple power cord can take out a guitar amp or other critical point of failure. (Don’t ask) So it is important to me that Big Dog Guitar provides top quality merchandise.
I don’t want this to sound wrong but when I was searching for the capo supplier I chose the most EXPENSIVE supplier, not the least expensive. The goal wasn’t to offer discount junk. There is plenty of that out there already. Once I determined it was superior to the others the choice was made.
Why Premium Instead of Discount?

BDG-PVB100 Box of 100 quality picks!
I have seen capos sell for $0.48 plus shipping. REALLY? Do you want your sound to depend a 48 cent capo? REALLY? I know I wouldn’t. That POJ was nylon. Born to die under load.
I was given a gift of a well known capo that had replacement parts available for it. While I appreciate that they are available, I don’t like the idea that they are NEEDED. So I didn’t want that for my capo design either.
You can see where I am going. When you are on stage or in the recording studio you want something that is beautiful and bullet proof. That is what I would like all of our products to be.
But Isn’t Premium Expensive?

BDG-Capo1T Tungsten Capo
No it doesn’t have to be. I use my sourcing skills to find the best quality for the money. Sure I could make a custom, titanium, “Made in America” product in a handmade mahogany box. But you would get little more value and pay exponentially more money.
Since I know that everyone has a budget I try to maintain a balance high quality and low price. This does mean that most of my products will be sourced overseas.
As someone who worked in an American factory making consumer electronics I don’t like this trend. But facts are facts. We vote with our wallets. People are not willing to pay double or triple for the “Made in America” products. Sad but true. Find someone with a TV that was made in America in their front room.
I want you to be satisfied with your purchase. I want you to get a great value. Frankly I could sell a lot more products that were cheapo. But then when the product failed you wouldn’t be happy. Then I wouldn’t be happy.
So join me on my journey as I try to help guitarists everywhere become one of the “Big Dogs”.
Hopefully you find products you love. Let me know if you can’t find the products you need and I will see what I can do.
I already have hundreds of satisfied customers. I appreciate each and every one of you!
You can purchase our fine products here on this website. You can also find our products available on Amazon.com HERE.